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What is our connection to nature?

The relationship between our spirit and nature is a complex and multifaceted one, and it can be experienced and understood in a variety of ways. Whether through sensory experience, symbolism and mythology, or spiritual and energetic. The natural world can offer us profound insights and inspiration, we just need to let this connection happen. ☮️🌍️ 💫

We believe that our spirit is inherently connected to the energy and life force that flows through all living things. This energy is often described as a universal consciousness or divine presence, and it is believed to be present in every aspect of the natural world. By connecting with this energy, we can tap into a deeper sense of spiritual connection and awareness, and find greater harmony and balance in our lives.⁠

Ultimately, we are in constant communication with nature whether we acknowledge Her or not.⁠
A loop of feedback where our bodies adjust to the air, the sunshine, the plants and animals around us, and what we consume daily. Finding balance is vital for both of our survival.⁠

We only get one planet, we should all give a shit!⁠


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