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Our Impact

Saving our mighty winged friends with every bite...

We cannot Savour This Life without real environmental justice & social justice. As our worlds become smaller, we see a need for all companies to take action & create change. Throughout our experiences in global & holistic medicine, we have developed strong connections with different cultures & communities affected by an unjust market.

Wild & Rooted is about giving back to a restless world. W&R has a global vision and ambition. W&R is here to connect all species with real change.

Birds, bats, bees, and other pollinators have an underrated and underappreciated role in creating the biodiversity we enjoy throughout the natural world. Although not all these pollinators have a direct impact on all hemp and cacao, we believe that making sure these species can strive is one of the most important ways to preserve our ecosystem. Without these mighty winged friends we wouldn’t even have a planet to give a shit about!

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